Episode 42: 3 Simple Steps To Manifesting More Money & Becoming a Rich B*tch

Episode #42

Struggling with your money mindset? Wanting to make & manifest more money? Learn how to subconsciously attract more money, collapse time, and take aligned action to become a rich b*tch in this episode of The Ashly Locklin Show. 


Here’s a preview of what you’ll learn in this episode: 

  • What to think about when spending money & paying bills
  • How to trick your mind into believing you’re a rich b*tch
  • How to collapse time and reach your money goals faster
  • How to apply these principles to your personal life (marriage, motherhood, etc.)
  • How to move from frantic scarce energy to calm abundant energy
  • When to operate in masculine energy vs feminine energy (and why it matters)


GAIN ACCESS to the full show notes for this episode here


Links Mentioned:


Join the Making Millions Membership to make sales daily, get high-converting content plans, and access monthly trainings on what is working now! ashlylocklin.com/making-millions-membership


Join my Free Facebook Community: The Social Soiree: Marketing, Sales & Mindset for Female Entrepreneurs: facebook.com/groups/TheSocialSoiree


Find me on social:

Instagram: @drashlylocklin 

Facebook: facebook.com/ashlylocklinwellness

Pinterest: pinterest.com/ashlylocklin

Free Facebook Community for Female Entrepreneurs: facebook.com/groups/TheSocialSoiree


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