Episode 40: Pivoting & Remodeling Your Business So Your Life Comes First (While Still Making Bank) with Megan Yelaney

Episode #40

Thinking of pivoting or making a change in your business? Wondering how others have done it? Want to hear an honest discussion on what it takes to build 6 and 7 figure businesses? Listen to an epic conversation with business coach, Megan Yelaney, where we talk about business growth, pivots, burnout, scaling, income, and prioritizing life in this episode of The Ashly Locklin Show. 


Links Mentioned:

Join Mastering Sales Through Storytelling, A 3-day FREE challenge for coaches & service pros who want to sell their offer consistently (without sounding redundant). 

Happening April 10th, 12th, and 14th at 1PM EST. Join here: meganyelaney.com/free-april-challenge

Listen to the #prettyawkward Entrepreneur Podcast here: meganyelaney.com/podcast 

Follow Megan on Instagram: instagram.com/meganyelaney


GAIN ACCESS to the full show notes for this episode here.


Here’s a preview of what you’ll learn in this episode: 

  • How to successfully pivot in business and still make bank
  • Things to consider as you build & scale your business so it doesn’t consume your life
  • How to build a simple program suite for the long-haul
  • The dynamics of marriage & entrepreneurship


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Instagram: @drashlylocklin 

Facebook: facebook.com/ashlylocklinwellness

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Join my Free Facebook Community: facebook.com/groups/TheSocialSoiree


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