Episode 37: How to Clear Traumas, Triggers, and Energetic Blocks with Tiffany Calhoun, a Multidisciplinary Quantum Healer

Episode #37

Feeling stuck? Blocked? Constantly hitting stopping points and having to restart? Not sure why this is happening because you’re following the strategies and doing all the things? I interview Multidisciplinary Quantum Healer, Tiffany Calhoun, in this episode and she shares how to achieve your breakthroughs. You’ll also learn why somatic healing is more powerful than mindset coaching alone and how you can use it to find alignment and pivot your endeavors from ego led to soul fed this episode of The Ashly Locklin Show. 


GAIN ACCESS to the full show notes for this episode here.


Follow Tiffany on Instagram: @sacred.vitality


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Here’s a preview of what you’ll learn in this episode: 

  • Why mindset and affirmations alone won’t help you manifest your highest potential in life, business, love, etc.
  • The different Human Design types and meanings
  • How traumas, triggers, and energetic blocks are holding you back from manifesting the life of your dreams
  • How to quickly assess what and where your triggers, traumas, and blocks might be


Find me on social:

Instagram: @drashlylocklin 

Facebook: facebook.com/ashlylocklinwellness

Pinterest: pinterest.com/ashlylocklin


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