Episode 14: 5 Phrases & 5 Words to Use in Your Content to Increase Sales

Episode #14

Wondering what you could say to get fence sitters to enter their credit card number? Dying to know what phrases and words lead to sales? Learn the best phrases and words to use in your content to make sales in today’s episode of The Ashly Locklin Show.

GAIN ACCESS to the full show notes for this episode here: ashlylocklin.com/podcast/episode-14-5-phrases-5-words-to-use-in-your-content-to-increase-sales

Check out The Social Sales Content Bundle here: https://www.ashlylocklin.com/the-social-sales-content-bundle

Here’s a preview of what you’ll learn in this episode: 

  • 5 phrases to incorporate into your content to make more sales
  • How Loss Aversion Theory works in sales
  • 5 words to use when selling
  • How to craft content that speaks to your ideal client

Find me on social: Instagram: @ashly_locklin instagram.com/ashly_locklin Facebook: facebook.com/ashlylocklinwellness Pinterest: pinterest.com/ashlylocklin


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