Episode 3: How to Grow your IG Audience with the Right People: What Do Do and What To Avoid

Episode #3

Spinning your wheels trying to grow your audience and find people who will actually buy from you? Learn how in today’s episode of The Ashly Locklin Show.

GAIN ACCESS to the full show notes for this episode here: www.ashlylocklin.com/podcast/episode-3-how-to-grow-your-ig-audience-with-the-right-people-what-do-do-and-what-to-avoid

Check out The Social Sales Content Bundle here: www.ashlylocklin.com/the-social-sales-content-bundle

Here’s a preview of what you’ll learn in this episode:

  • Why you need to serve your current audience and the perspective shift you need to make about your current follower number. 
  • How many followers you really need to create a 6-figure business. 
  • How to get your current followers to actually see you as an expert and BUY.
  • The types of follow/engagement/giveaway loops you should AVOID.
  • The one type of loop I recommend to find QUALITY leads. 
  • How to tap into parallel audiences. 
  • The research you should do on similar accounts in order to create irresistible content for your ideal audience. 
  • The most effective growth strategy for finding ideal clients who will BUY!
  • The truth about hashtags. 
  • Why polarizing content and losing followers is good (even when you’re trying to grow your following).

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