Episode 2: What You Should Really Be “Selling” On Social Media To Actually Make Sales

Episode #2

Afraid of sounding salesy and annoying? Terrified to actually “sell” on social? Learn how to sell with confidence and ease and the SECRET to actually getting people to BUY (and it’s not by selling your product/service) in today’s episode of The Ashly Locklin Show. 

GAIN ACCESS to the full show notes for this episode here: www.ashlylocklin.com/podcast/episode-2-what-you-should-really-be-selling-on-social-media-to-actually-make-sales

Check out The Social Sales Content Bundle here: www.ashlylocklin.com/the-social-sales-content-bundle

Here’s a preview of what you’ll learn in this episode: 

  • The mindset shifts you need to make in order to slay the selling game and have fun doing so.
  • The difference between “sharing” and “selling” and which one actually PAYS.
  • How to have confidence in your sales skills. 
  • Why providing free value is the number one way to increase your sales.
  • Why you shouldn’t focus on selling your product or service. 
  • The 3 things you should actually be focused on selling. 
  • What you need to tap into in order to have people throwing their wallets at you. 
  • What social proof you should be collecting in order to get potential customers off the fence.

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